Traffic alerts
Road closed
B246a, lane(s) closed direction Hakenstedt, near Schönebeck
B246a, temporary traffic lights in both directions, near Schönebeck
Road closed
B246a, single alternate line traffic in both directions, near Schönebeck
Road closed
B246a, contraflow in both directions, near Schönebeck
L65, closed direction Schackenthal, between Schönebeck and Calbe
L65, roadworks direction Schackenthal, between Schönebeck and Calbe
Road closed
B246a, lane(s) closed direction Burg / Schönebeck, near Schönebeck between junction with L 69 and L 65 / L 51
B246a, temporary traffic lights in both directions, near Schönebeck between junction with L 69 and L 65 / L 51
Road closed
B246a, single alternate line traffic in both directions, near Schönebeck between junction with L 69 and L 65 / L 51
Road closed
B246a, contraflow in both directions, near Schönebeck between junction with L 69 and L 65 / L 51
Road closed
L51, lane(s) closed direction Magdeburg, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
L51, temporary traffic lights in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, contraflow in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
L51, closed direction Magdeburg, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
L51, roadworks direction Magdeburg, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, lane(s) closed direction Magdeburg, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
L51, temporary traffic lights in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, contraflow in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
L51, closed direction Schora, between Alt Salbke and Schönebeck
Road closed
L51, lane(s) closed direction Magdeburg, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
L51, temporary traffic lights in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke
Road closed
L51, contraflow in both directions, between Schönebeck and Alt Salbke