Traffic alerts
Road closed
N21, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Aixe-sur-Vienne and Châlus
N21, roadworks direction Argelès-Gazost / Périgueux, between Aixe-sur-Vienne and Châlus
Road closed
N21, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Châlus and Aixe-sur-Vienne
N21, new roadworks layout in both directions, between Châlus and Aixe-sur-Vienne
Road closed
N145, one lane closed direction Bellac / La Croisière (A20), between Guéret est and Le Grand-Bourg
Road closed
N145, contraflow in both directions, between Guéret est and Le Grand-Bourg
Road closed
N145, one lane closed direction Montluçon, between Le Grand-Bourg and Guéret ouest
N145, new roadworks layout in both directions, between Le Grand-Bourg and Guéret ouest
Road closed
N145, contraflow in both directions, between Le Grand-Bourg and Guéret ouest
N147, roadworks direction Angers / Poitiers, between Chamboret and Bellac
N147, new roadworks layout in both directions, between Bellac Le Repaire and Bellac Le Vincou
Road closed
A20, one lane closed direction Paris / Limoges sud, between Uzerche nord - Lubersac and Saint-Germain-les-Belles
Road closed
A20, one lane closed direction Toulouse / Brive, between Saint-Germain-les-Belles and Masseret
A20, new roadworks layout in both directions, between Saint-Germain-les-Belles and Masseret
Road closed
A20, contraflow in both directions, between Saint-Germain-les-Belles and Masseret
Road closed
A20, one lane closed direction Toulouse / Brive, between Boisseuil and Saint-Hilaire-Bonneval
A20, maintenance work direction Toulouse / Brive, between Boisseuil and Saint-Hilaire-Bonneval
Road closed
A20, narrow lanes direction Toulouse / Brive, between Boisseuil and Saint-Hilaire-Bonneval
N141, closed direction Clermont-Ferrand / Limoges, between Nieul - Fontafié and Chabanais
Road closed
N141, one lane closed direction Saintes / Angoulême, between Saint-Junien Le Pavillon and Saillat-sur-Vienne