Bar Chica
Location picture
Michelin Guide
The Michelin Guide's review
Bar or not? It's debatable, but what's safe to say is Bar Chica is bursting with vitality in every way. This is a cool place for cool people and it's quietly making its mark on the city. Foodies in the know  come for their unique take on tapas and a sherry or two. The servers' beaming smiles light the place up, and that passion follows through to the kitchen where they put their all into every plate. Expect a colorful plate of heirloom tomatoes & ajo blanco in the ensalada and fluffy grated truffle on their version of croqueta de jamon. Save room for the delectable torta de chocolate.Chica is easy to miss with its minimal exterior so keep a look out for the glowing lantern above the door, then settle in for a great night out.
75 Portland St.
Toronto M5V 2M9